History and nearby

Hotel Essence

Located in Prague 1 district's Senovazne Namesti, is surrounded by historical buildings from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.

Nearby stands the medieval Jindrisska Tower. Within walking distance is Republic Square, home to the Powder Tower, Municipal House, and major shopping centers Palladium and Kotva. This central location offers a blend of historical charm and modern conveniences for guests to explore.

What you can visit nearby?


The Powder Tower

Originally built in the 13th century, served as one of the 13 entrances to Prague's Old Town. King Vladislav Jagelonsky laid its foundation stone in 1475, gifting it to the city council as a coronation present. Constructed by Matěj Rejsek and inspired by Petr Parléř's Old Town Bridge Tower, its ornate design belied its limited defensive capabilities. Construction ceased after 8 years when the king fled due to an uprising, later relocating his seat to the Castle upon his return. Renamed in the 17th century for its role as a gunpowder storage facility, the tower suffered severe damage during Prussian occupation in 1757. It underwent restoration during the gate's renovation in 1876.






The Municipal House

A pinnacle of Art Nouveau architecture, replaced the King's court in the early 20th century. This former royal seat, vacant for centuries, was repurposed as a seminary and military school before its demolition. From 1905 to 1911, the Municipal House rose in its place, becoming a cultural hub with exhibition halls and a grand concert venue. Adorned with stuccoworks and allegorical sculptures, its exterior boasts a large ceramic half-dome mosaic, "Homage to Prague." Inside, the main Prague concert hall and the iconic Smetana Hall, crowned with a glass dome, host various events, including dances. Renowned Czech artists, such as Alfons Mucha, adorned the interior with their works. The building also houses smaller halls, conference rooms, offices, cafes, and restaurants, inviting visitors to relax amidst its Art Nouveau splendor.


Celetná Street

One of Prague's oldest thoroughfares, offers a journey through centuries of history. Originally part of the ancient trade route from eastern Bohemia, it earned its name from the pastries known as "calts" baked here in the Middle Ages. Its prominence grew in the 14th century when it became part of the Royal Route, used for coronation processions. Beneath the street's surface lie the foundations of Romanesque and Gothic buildings, though many of the picturesque houses with their distinctive signs were rebuilt in the Baroque period. Notably, the House of the Black Madonna hosts a captivating collection of Czech Cubism, showcasing paintings, sculptures, furniture, architectural plans, and designs, providing insight into this unique artistic movement. Celetná Street serves as a captivating pathway to Prague's iconic Old Town Square, offering a glimpse into the city's rich cultural heritage along the way.


Old Town Square

Stands as a timeless witness to Prague's storied past. The northern side boasts the elegant white façade of the Baroque St. Nicholas Church, while the eastern part showcases architectural treasures such as the Gothic U Kamenného zvonu (By the Stone Bell) house and the Rococo-style Golz-Kinsky Palace. Surrounding the square are buildings adorned with vibrant pastel hues, with the southern section adorned with colorful Romanesque and Gothic houses boasting enchanting house signs. Notably, the block between Celetná and Železná streets exudes particular charm. Throughout its history, the square has remained a bustling hub, now offering visitors a tourist information center along with numerous restaurants, cafes, shops, and galleries, ensuring its continued vibrancy and allure.


The Old Town City Hall

Founded by John Luxemburg in 1338, has been a focal point of Prague's governance for centuries. Originally connected to neighboring houses, the current city hall block comprises colorful Gothic and Renaissance buildings, meticulously renovated after sustaining damage during World War II. Its iconic tower, standing at 69.5 meters, offers breathtaking views of Prague. The centerpiece of the City Hall is its famed astronomical clock, obtained in the 15th century and enhanced by master Hanuš in 1490. Legend has it that the city council, fearing Hanuš would replicate his masterpiece elsewhere, had him blinded. Despite numerous adjustments over the years, the clock's mechanism remains unchanged from its construction by master watchmaker Jan Táborský between 1552 and 1572, serving as a timeless symbol of Prague's rich history and ingenuity.


Wenceslas Square

Synonymous with the iconic equestrian statue of St. Wenceslas and the grandeur of the National Museum, has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages when it served as a bustling horse market. Today, it remains a vibrant and essential destination, bustling with activity. As you stroll through the square, take note of the architectural marvels predominantly from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a testament to the square's rebuilding during that era. These buildings showcase exceptional decorative styles characteristic of Czech architecture of the time. Explore the numerous passages lined with shops, clubs, theaters, and cinemas, each contributing to the square's dynamic atmosphere and enduring charm.


The State Opera

Located just a minute's walk from Wenceslas Square, replaced the New Town Theater in 1885. Originally intended to rival the National Theater, it became the State Opera's home in 1945. Adorned with a neoclassical frieze depicting Dionysus and Thalia, it continues to be a cultural hub in Prague.


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